Monday, January 5, 2015

A New Attitude for 2015!

     HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It’s a new year, a new month, a new day! I’ve decided to take on a new attitude as well. This attitude is one that does a whole lot less complaining, talking, reminding, and well okay, nagging. It seems that lately my husband’s biggest request after a long day of dealing with complaining clients is for me not to complain. I admit, I can be a whiner when I’m over tired and or too hungry. But of course, to my ears, it doesn’t sound like whining...I’m simply asking for his love, attention, and support, because as a stay at home mom, I’ve been working all day and usually well into the night as well. I deal with some tough clients too! They are very demanding at ages 5 and 2. Not to mention the needs of our 23 year old who recently moved back home and my senior age father who has been living with us for the past three years or so, after having some heart issues.  
     I am by no means intending to keep this new attitude in my own strength, through sheer will power, we all know how those resolutions end up. But I am fully expecting the grace of God to help me. After all, trying to get a verbally gifted (you can laugh) person like myself to keep my mouth shut is going to require some miracle working power! So how am I going to do this in 2015? You have probably already heard the solution, I know I have! But how often does doing what we know to do cleverly elude us? Okay so here it is, the earth shattering, world changing secret, I’m going to pray more. 

     Oh sure, I pray! But in my less spiritual moments it sounds more like this, Please God tell him to...Please God make them get the idea. So I am simply asking God to help me trust Him more, lean on Him more and already, only five days into the new year, my home is a happier place!!! I love to share with others what works for my family, with no promises that it will work for yours, but as encouragement that comes with a guarantee that if you trust God and continually ask for His help, He doesn’t love our family anymore than He loves yours and this will be your best year yet! So join me on our adventure of loving more, and simply believing that love alone can change even the toughest of circumstances, because after all, God is love, and love never fails! 


  1. Verbally gifted indeed ;) Im proud of you for putting your goals into action!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement to keep God in the forefront. It really is the only way to make real change a reality.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You are off to a great start. I am encouraging you to keep both the blog and the positive attitude going throughout 2015 and beyond.
